Python learning quick start guide

Lokesh kumar Jain
9 min readSep 12, 2019


Python is a great programming language. I am here including all the really required small information and tricks that will be used in our daily coding and debugging.

Python shell/python cmd command`

If you just want to run small code use -c .

python -c "print('Hello!')"
> Hello!

If you want to include a module then use -m .

python -m pdb

This will include pdb module and run our code file.

And another helpful is -i this will open python shell after the file execution python -i .

Python string and indexes

Don’t mutate the list while doing iteration.

list = ["my", "value", "good"]for i in list:
if i == "value":
# This will create a infinite loop
#Solutionfor i in list[:]: # will create a copy of the list
if i == "value":

Else block for, for and while loop:

>>> for i in list:...     print(i)... else:...     print("Else branch for for loop")lokeshji
Else branch for for loop>>> for i in list:... print(i)... break... else:... print("Else branch for for loop")lokeshji

Note: if we break the loop then else block will not execute.

Comparison in python == vs is

So, to recap, let’s try and break down the difference between is and == into two short definitions:

  • An is expression evaluates to True if two variables point to the same (identical) object.
  • == the expression evaluates to True if the objects referred to by the variables are equal (have the same contents).

Just remember to think of twin cats (dogs should work, too) whenever you need to decide between using is and == in Python. If you do that, you’ll be fine.

To create a string in multiple lines

string = "Hello this is one lonng \
String and goes more \
and more"
# Better and alternate way isstring = ("Hello this is one lonng"
"String and goes more"
"and more")


def fullData(a,fName="lokesh", *args, **kwargs):
print(a, fName, args)
Python equality

Note: for the normal data type like str, tuple, list == will check its content and gives the True if content or reference is the same

While is will only check identity.

For custom class and its objects == will return false

class TestCls:
obj1 = TestCls()
obj2 = TestCls()
obj1 == obj2
> False

Truthy and Falsy in Python

def checkIfTruthy(value):...     if(value):...         print(value, " is Truthy")...     else:...         print(value, " is Falsy")

For the above function, followings are Falsy just like JavaScript

  • None
  • ‘’
  • ‘ ‘ #empty string
  • 0
  • () #Empty tuple
  • [ ] #Empty list
  • {} #Empty dictionary Note: in JS empty object is truthy

Sorting in Python

sorted is the function that you need for all the data types. e.g. string, tuple, list and more iterable.

sorted(iterable, /, *, key=None, reverse=False)

Return a new list containing all items from the iterable in ascending order.

A custom key function can be supplied to customize the sort order and the

a reverse flag can be set to request the result in descending order.

Regular Expression

import re re the module has what we need from the python

import rematch =, string);value = if match: return; else: 

some important modules

There are some important modules that will be needed for development.

  • os
  • sys #stderr, stdin, stdout, version
  • commands # used to run shell commands and get the output, `commands.getstatusoutput(‘ls -l’)`
  • shutil # shell commands like cp, mv, mkdir etc…
import os
import sys
import commands
def list(dir)
cmd = 'ls -l '+dir
(status, output) = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
if status:
sys.stderr.write("There is and error"+output)
print(output)def main():
if __name__ == '__main__':

argparse module

import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="calculate X to the power of Y")
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true")
group.add_argument("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("x", type=int, help="the base")
parser.add_argument("y", type=int, help="the exponent")
args = parser.parse_args()
answer = args.x**args.y

if args.quiet:
elif args.verbose:
print("{} to the power {} equals {}".format(args.x, args.y, answer))
print("{}^{} == {}".format(args.x, args.y, answer))


$ python3 --help
usage: [-h] [-v | -q] x y

calculate X to the power of Y

positional arguments:
x the base
y the exponent

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose
-q, --quiet

For more follow the link.

Dict keys :

anything which is immutable can be a key to the dict.

myDict  = { 'age': 22,
frozenset({3,4}: ...,
otherDict: ...,
__func__: ...,
clsObj: ...

But immutable can’t be a key e.g.

  • set,
  • list

can’t be key to the dictionary.


1. chr , ord

> A
> 95

will convert character to integer and vise-Versa

2. create a copy of the list

newArr = arr*1; # this will create new array.

3. check if keyword

import keywordif keyword.iskeyword('elif'):
print("elif is keyword")
#print all keywords

4. Print without newline in Python 3.x

#python 2.x
print("without new line "),
#python 3.x
print("without new line", end=" ")
print(2,3,3,4,4, sep="--", end=" ")
print("on same line")
> 2--3--3--4--4 on same line

5. print formatting

Python program showing how to use string modulo operator(%) to print fancier output

# print integer and float value 
print("Geeks : % 2d, Portal : % 5.2f" %(1, 05.333))
# print integer value
print("Total students : % 3d, Boys : % 2d" %(240, 120))
# print octal value
print("% 7.3o"% (25))
# print exponential value
print("% 10.3E"% (356.08977))
#### fromatting # Python program showing
# use of format() method
# using format() method
print('I love {} for "{}!"'.format('Geeks', 'Geeks'))
# using format() method and refering
# a position of the object
print('{0} and {1}'.format('Geeks', 'Portal'))
print('{1} and {0}'.format('Geeks', 'Portal'))# Python program showing
# a use of format() method
# combining positional and keyword arguments
print('Number one portal is {0}, {1}, and {other}.'
.format('Geeks', 'For', other ='Geeks'))
# using format() method with number
print("Geeks :{0:2d}, Portal :{1:8.2f}".
format(12, 00.546))
# Changing positional argument
print("Second argument: {1:3d}, first one: {0:7.2f}".
format(47.42, 11))
print("Geeks: {a:5d}, Portal: {p:8.2f}".
format(a = 453, p = 59.058))
# Python program to
# show format () is
# used in dictionary
tab = {'geeks': 4127, 'for': 4098, 'geek': 8637678}# using format() in dictionary
print('Geeks: {0[geeks]:d}; For: {0[for]:d}; '
'Geeks: {0[geek]:d}'.format(tab))
data = dict(fun ="GeeksForGeeks", adj ="Portal")# using format() in dictionary
print("I love {fun} computer {adj}".format(**data))
print("I love {fun} cumputer {adj}".format_map(data))

6. Reload module

use imp module to do this.

>>> import imp
>>> import my_module
This code got executed
>>> import my_module
>>> imp.reload(my_module)
This code got executed

7. isinstance, issubclass, methods

8. method resolution operator mro.

# Mro is used in case of multiple inheritance.
class X: pass
class Y: pass
class Z: pass
class A(X,Y): pass
class B(Y,Z): pass
class M(B,A,Z): pass# Output:
# [<class ‘__main__.M’>, <class ‘__main__.B’>,
# <class ‘__main__.A’>, <class ‘__main__.X’>,
# <class ‘__main__.Y’>, <class ‘__main__.Z’>,
# <class ‘object’>]

Variable scoping in python

Python has a variable scoping

pe at function level, not block level. Python has 3 types of scoping globlal, local and nonlocal .

below is the snippet to test all the scoping

x = "global"
def outer():
x = "local"
for i in range(4):
blockVar = 'Function scope'

def inner():
nonlocal x
x = "nonlocal"
print("inner:", x)
print("variables are function scoped not block", blockVar)
print("Before calling inner:", x)
print("outer func after calling inner:", x)
outer()print("Global x is safe",x)print("---------- end ---------- \n\n")# ---- output
variables are function scoped not block Function scope
Before calling inner: local
inner: nonlocal
outer func after calling inner: nonlocal
Global x is safe global
---------- end ----------

Assert coding style in python

we can use builin function assert in python to create a better-styled code. It will be checking for the conditions that we want to avoid

def join_data(l1, l2):
# we want to check if the lists given have data or not
# before making any changes
assert len(l1) > 0 , "List one is empty"
#... do the logic
expect AssertionError as ae:
# Called on success
# Called everytime

Copy objects in python

use import copy it has copy and deepcopy and names suggest what they do actually.

Pandas data access

We create data frames using pandas in python. Creating is simple, we are assuming we have load a file using pandas read_csv function.

Note: we accessing only the column data using square barckets[] . Note using this we will get the data as series not the data frame.

To get the data frame we need to use bouble brackets [[ <col_label> ]] . To get country

country_df = brics[['country']]

More examples to access the data

In [1]: import pandas as pd
... cars = pd.read_csv('cars.csv', index_col = 0)
In [2]: cars
cars_per_cap country drives_right
US 809 United States True
AUS 731 Australia False
JAP 588 Japan False
IN 18 India False
RU 200 Russia True
MOR 70 Morocco True
EG 45 Egypt True
In [3]: #Get the values based on the columnsIn [4]: cars['country']
US United States
AUS Australia
JAP Japan
IN India
RU Russia
MOR Morocco
EG Egypt
Name: country, dtype: object
In [5]: # Note type is series type (key based series)In [6]: # to get dataFrame use [[]]In [7]: cars[['country']]
US United States
AUS Australia
JAP Japan
IN India
RU Russia
MOR Morocco
EG Egypt
In [8]: cars[['country', 'cars_per_cap']]
country cars_per_cap
US United States 809
AUS Australia 731
JAP Japan 588
IN India 18
RU Russia 200
MOR Morocco 70
EG Egypt 45
In [9]: cars[1:2]
cars_per_cap country drives_right
AUS 731 Australia False
In [10]: us = cars[0]
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
us = cars[0]
File "<stdin>", line 2685, in __getitem__
return self._getitem_column(key)
In [11]: us = cars[0:]In [12]: us #it is all the rows
cars_per_cap country drives_right
US 809 United States True
AUS 731 Australia False
JAP 588 Japan False
IN 18 India False
RU 200 Russia True
MOR 70 Morocco True
EG 45 Egypt True
In [13]: us = cars[0:1]In [14]: us
cars_per_cap country drives_right
US 809 United States True
In [15]: type(us)
Out[15]: pandas.core.frame.DataFrame
In [16]: # Note: using [], [[]] we can get data either by rows or columnsIn [17]: # for better hold data by rows and columns use loc and ilocIn [18]: cars.loc[['US', 'IN'],['country', 'cars_per_cap']]
country cars_per_cap
US United States 809
IN India 18
In [19]: # Note iloc is used for index access instead of keysIn [20]: cars.iloc[[0:2],[1,0]]
File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
In [21]: cars.iloc[[0,2],[1,0]]
country cars_per_cap
US United States 809
JAP Japan 588
In [22]:

Note: dataframe is tabular data whileSeries is a one-dimensional labeled array capable of holding any data type (integers, strings, floating-point numbers, Python objects, etc.) The axis labels are collectively referred to as the index.

For filtering we use series data e.g.

drives_right_data = cars[cars['drives_right']]In [22]: cars[cars['drives_right']]
cars_per_cap country drives_right
US 809 United States True
RU 200 Russia True
MOR 70 Morocco True
EG 45 Egypt True
In [23]: cars[cars['cars_per_cap'] > 100]
cars_per_cap country drives_right
US 809 United States True
AUS 731 Australia False
JAP 588 Japan False
RU 200 Russia True
In [24]: cars[cars['cars_per_cap'] > 500]
cars_per_cap country drives_right
US 809 United States True
AUS 731 Australia False
JAP 588 Japan False

Learning resources

  1. It has real-world usage and python tutorials.
  2. This has interpreter integrated to the website, that makes it fun to learn.
  3. this has interview related questions and tutorials.
  4. Data structures for that are used by the pandas.



Lokesh kumar Jain
Lokesh kumar Jain

Written by Lokesh kumar Jain

Love Web building technologies working as frontend team lead loves working on JavaScript tech stack, as Reactjs, Angular, HTML5

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